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Nearly all classes include activation, practicing what you've learned with others in class.
Mark 16:17 “These signs shall follow them that believe.”
Healing 1 & 2- While these are basic classes, they are more than enough to get you effectively up and running. Additionally, if you need healing, this is a perfect opportunity to receive.
Deliverance 1 & 2 - Tired of over complicated deliverance training? Want to learn how to get down to the basics and get the job done? These two classes will give you more than enough to get started. Both classes also include a live deliverance session.
Basic Prophecy 1 & 2- These are our two foundational classes. We highly recommend that all of our students take this training. You will learn to hear God with greater clarity and accuracy. Learn to receive a prophetic word and give feedback.
Word of Knowledge 1,2, & 3 - These three classes will teach you how to get activated in words of knowledge. You will learn about words of knowledge for healing, words of knowledge for deliverance as well as words of knowledge in general. All 3 classes are loaded with the information needed to help you to become more accurate and effective.
Baptism of the Holy Spirit - Do you speak in tongues? Sing in tongues? Interpret tongues? Do you know how to get others activated? If you answered no to even one of those questions then you are a great candidate for this class.
New classes popping up all the time! Over 80 to choose from (see our audio archives)
The Glory Realm - What is the Glory Realm? How do we co-labor with the Holy Spirit in entering into that realm and bringing others into the experiential presence and power of God's glory.
Supernatural Time - Does God stop time, start time, speed it up, slow it down or bend it? Can we? What does the Bible say about supernatural time-related miracles? Hear testimonies and participate in an activation exercise.
Seeing in the Spirit - While this is a Seeing in the Spirit class, you will learn so much more. You will learn about seeing, tasting, & touching. You will learn to awaken your spiritual senses for exploring the realm of the Spirit and new and exciting ways.
How to See Breakthrough in Divine Healing - Are you seeing pain healed but not more serious conditions? Are you struggling to see healing for family members, other Christians or yourself? These are some of the topics we will cover.
Traveling in the Spirit - What does the Bible say about traveling in the Spirit? Is this experience available to modern believers? If so, can we initiate it by faith, or does it have to happen as a sovereign act. We will explore the topic at length, share testimonies and participate in an activation exercise.
Oneness and Unity with God - He who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with Him. What does that even mean? What does it mean to truly be one with God and united to Him. This is a level 2 Identity class that will change your life. All are welcome.
Faith to Move Mountains - In this class you will learn how to plow through the mountains that have presented themselves in front of you (healing, deliverance, finances, relationships, etc.)
Living in the Spirit - This class is a PERFECT fit for anyone who wants to live a supernatural lifestyle and move in the supernatural things of God.
Healing Gone Wild - This class is designed to help you relax into healing and shake off all the struggling and striving. You will learn how to minister healing with ease and to do so in an out of the box way.
Holy Spirit Fireball - Learn to experience God's presence ANYTIME, ANYPLACE, ANYWHERE! Learn to bring others into an encounter with the manifest presence of God. Learn to minister effectively from a distance
Reading the Bible in 3D - Don't just read the Bible. Have the full blown experience through sight, touch, taste, hearing and smell. We will walk you through the process. Come expecting!