Ministering to an agnostic through words of knowledge
In this video there's no arguing, no debating, and no doctrinal or theological disputing. Instead God gently begins to reveal Himself and address some of those question marks that we've all entertained at one time or another. Questions like, "Is God really real?"
Jehovah sneaky drops some words of knowledge to us for this unsuspecting gentleman
After leaning into the voice of the Holy Spirit for some words of knowledge, we approached this young man who was just minding his own business and enjoying his cup of coffee. Watch what happens next.
God shows up at the county fair
This young man came over to the healing and miracle tent for a free cup of ice water, but he left with a whole lot more than that.
A live prophetic evangelism encounter at the mall
We sat down at the food court of the mall and wrote out some prophetic words of encouragement for this person before approaching her. Take a look and see her reaction.